Count My Vote in the News

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Photo by Pavliha/iStock / Getty Images

october 18, 2013: count my vote utah has the right idea: it's time to overturn utah's closed caucus (park record)

"Utah is one of only seven states that still rely on the caucus system in which delegates are handpicked to vote at each party's county and state convention. Since most voters don't attend their neighborhood caucuses, and therefore don't have a hand in picking their delegates, the ballot is often determined before they even know who the candidates are.

Photo by Monkey Business Images/Monkey Business / Getty Images
Photo by Monkey Business Images/Monkey Business / Getty Images

october 16, 2013: utahns weigh in on count my vote initiative (deseret news)

 "At a Count My Vote public hearing Wednesday, backers hoping to change Utah’s current caucus and convention system to a direct primary election were met mainly with criticism and questions from audience members."

october 15, 2013: public hearings starting on count my vote initiative (deseret news)

"Taylor Morgan, the executive director of Count My Vote, said the increased costs are a result of primary elections becoming the norm throughout the state and more voters participating."

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Photo by jdwfoto/iStock / Getty Images

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october 13, 2013: opposition forms to count my vote: public hearings scheduled (salt lake tribune)

"Opposition to the Count My Vote effort to replace party caucuses with direct primaries appears to be taking shape as a new, bipartisan group — Protect Our Neighborhood Elections — has formed with plans to point out flaws in the other side’s proposal."

October 6, 2013: most big money backers of count my vote skipped caucuses (salt lake tribune)

"But Leavitt said that his case proves the group’s point that the one-night caucus every two years disenfranchises tens of thousands of Utah residents."

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Photo by lucky-photographer/iStock / Getty Images