Count My Vote in the News

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Photo by Pavliha/iStock / Getty Images
Photo by Pavliha/iStock / Getty Images

September 3, 2013: 'count my vote' initiative raises more than $500,000 (deseret news)

"The group announced that the money came from some 30 donors, both Republicans and Democrats, during the past six weeks as part of a fundraising push."

september 3, 2013: utah election reform group awash in donations (salt lake tribune)

"The Count My Vote initiative drive is a financial juggernaut, hauling in more than half a million dollars for its election reform effort in less than two months."

Photo by saintho/iStock / Getty Images
Photo by saintho/iStock / Getty Images

Photo by Monkey Business Images/Monkey Business / Getty Images
Photo by Monkey Business Images/Monkey Business / Getty Images

august 29, 2013: gail miller named co-chairwoman of count my vote initiative to change utah's caucus convention system (deseret news)

"Gail Miller said she is carrying on the legacy and passion for participation shared with her late husband as a new co-chairwoman of the Count My Vote initiative petition drive."

August 29, 2013: Ballot effort to reform utah elections is a 'go' (salt lake tribune)

"'I believe we become a stronger nation when our citizens participate in elections and are engaged with their government,' Miller said in a statement. 'My support of Count My Vote carries on our legacy of passion and participation.'"

Photo by jdwfoto/iStock / Getty Images
Photo by jdwfoto/iStock / Getty Images

july 26, 2013: group backing ballot change to utah caucus system raises $70,000 (salt lake tribune)

"The group of Republican power brokers behind the Count My Vote initiative drive to overhaul how Utah picks its candidates for office has reported raising $70,000 in its first handful of donors, with more money in the pipeline."

Photo by lucky-photographer/iStock / Getty Images
Photo by lucky-photographer/iStock / Getty Images