Count My Vote in the News
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march 3, 2015: my view: priorities in politics need to change (deseret news)
"I believe the current efforts to remove the compromise relative to “Count My Vote” in Utah is an example of upside-down priorities."
March 3, 2015: are utah lawmakers trying to pull a fast one with hb 313? (utah policy)
"And we end up with a more conservative Legislature – one of the results that the original Count My Vote citizen initiative petition aimed at thwarting."
january 29, 2015: will new primary system for 2016 election stay intact? (deseret news)
"Some appear poised to change or scrap deal over Count My Vote initiative."
February 24, 2014: robert bennet: count my vote: "let the process play out" (deseret news)
As he hinted that he might veto the pending bill, Gov. Gary Herbert gave the wisest counsel: "Let the process play out without any kind of games."
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February 23, 2014: big boost: mitt romney backs count my vote (salt lake tribune)
The Count My Vote initiative got some big-name support from perhaps the most popular political figure in the state, former Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney, who also criticized efforts by the Legislature to preempt the initiative, saying it "feels very wrong."
february 23, 2014: romney supports utah's count my vote initiative, according to email (ksl news)
In the email, Romney said eh's "quite surprised" the Legislature is supporting a bill that would " nullify in advance the Count My Vote proposal.